Archive | March 2014

Oceans from Home

I am currently enrolled in an online anthropology class called: American Culture and Society. This week’s reading was on Immigration and the “Melting Pot” within the U.S. In reading what was assigned in our book called, “Distant Mirrors”, a particular quote stuck out to me.

The chapter I read is called Growing Up American, Doing the Right Thing. The chapter is told by a Filipino woman. She writes about her experience in coming to the United States and learning how to assimilate effectively without stripping away her values and beliefs.

She explains, ” In order to avoid a distorted perception of one culture by another, it is extremely important that the uniqueness and cultural distinctiveness of a culture be explored, recognized, and respected for what it is. Otherwise, that which is not familiar , and therefore not clearly understood , would be viewed as ‘bizarre’, although it is completely meaningful to members of another culture.”


There and Back Again

Hello Friend(s?)

So I promised myself I would blog back in November…and this is my second post since then. WOW! What the heck stopped me?(You might ask) …I think what happened was life and priorities. The neglect was never intentional.

Believe it or not,  writing is one of my favorite hobbies. There’s nothing more freeing than being able to articulate my thoughts, ideas, inspirations, etc. It’s a way to let out how I feel, speak (or in this case, type) the truth in the midst of the chaos, and admire the things that spark creativity. Most importantly, writing helps me to express my love for the one who created me to love.

So that pretty much sums it all up!

Let’s hope I don’t take four months to write my next post.

Much love,
